
Our history, our roots

Castello del Trebbio lies among the green Tuscan hills, in the heart of Chianti Rufina.
It is a wine-growing, agricultural company that today is also an agriturismo.

The estate, immersed in a typically Tuscan landscape, combines the great history of the city of Florence to the great industriousness of its territory.

Today’s history

In 1968, the Baj Macario family bought the Castle and the surrounding land, transforming a testimony of history into the flourishing winery and agritourism company that it is today.

If it is true that people make the difference, Anna Baj Macario and her husband Stefano Casadei have certainly done so for Castello del Trebbio over the past thirty years.
Their dreams have been transformed into projects that are now taking shape under the name of Famiglia Casadei, a company group which includes Castello del Trebbio, as well as the other group estates Casadei and Olianas, and which operates according to the principles of Biointegrale® sustainability.
Together they have been able to build an authentic, genuine reality, which, from the initial wine and olive production, has expanded its offer with the food line I Puri and the cosmetic line I Naturali.

The company’s excellence can be seen in the production of their Chianti Rufina DOCG – the highest expression of the territory – and their Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Today the product chain at Castello del Trebbio is internal to the company, fully respecting nature by using Biointegrale® practices. It is a sustainable project that operates in the agricultural sector using biodynamic techniques, in the energy sector through the use of renewable energy and in the architectural sector with the conservative recovery of buildings.

Past history

The Castle, built before the XII century, is linked to the history of the Pazzi, a rich family of bankers during the Florentine Renaissance who, between the XII and XIV centuries, acquired ownership of all the land surrounding the castle, making it their stronghold.
The historical “Pazzi Conspiracy” was hatched in these rooms. In fact, in an attempt to remove the hegemony of the Medici family, the most powerful family in Florence, and with the support of Pope Sisto IV, who was also interested in their fall for economic and political reasons, on April 26th 1478, Giuliano and his brother, Lorenzo de’ Medici, were attacked in Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral during Mass. The former was killed, while Lorenzo the Magnificent, although wounded, managed to save himself by taking refuge in the Sacristy of Masses.
The ruinous epilogue of the story consolidated the power of the Medici family and sanctioned the end of the Pazzi’s authority.